How Rita Moreno uses honors like an upcoming public television award to further her philanthropy

world2024-06-03 17:48:437244

NEW YORK (AP) — Rita Moreno says it was always in her nature to be generous – to hold doors for people and help lighten a mother’s load if she was struggling with shopping bags and children.

But Moreno, still the only Latina EGOT -- winner of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards -- in history, says it took a particularly outspoken roommate to teach her the importance of politics and philanthropy.

“She really just indoctrinated me into the joys of being generous and helping people, really helping people,” Moreno told The Associated Press. “After that, I learned to do it in a bigger way.”

Following her Oscar win for “West Side Story,” Moreno joined the “Ban the Bomb” demonstrations against atomic testing. In 1963, she joined the March on Washington and was close enough to Martin Luther King, Jr. as he spoke that she saw gospel singer Mahalia Jackson urge him, “Tell him about the dream, Martin,” leading him to ad lib his most famous speech. For decades, she has fought against the racism and sexism she has experienced in the entertainment – for herself and for those who have followed in her footsteps.

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