Hawaii lawmakers wrap up session featuring tax cuts, zoning reform and help for fire

world2024-06-03 18:38:5319

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii lawmakers on Friday wrapped up a legislative session heavily focused on addressing Maui’s needs after last year’s deadly Lahaina wildfire. They also took on Hawaii’s housing shortage, tax cuts and measures to support distinctive Hawaii agricultural products like coffee and macadamia nuts. In a more lighthearted move, they adopted the “shaka” as the official state gesture.

Here is a look at some of the major legislation passed during the 60-day session that began on Jan. 17:


Lawmakers appropriated $1 billion to cover various costs stemming from the Lahaina disaster, including $500 million for emergency housing for displaced residents and $124 million in rental assistance for those ineligible for aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

A recognition of how global warming has raised wildfire risks statewide prompted legislators to allocate funds for more firefighting equipment, a state fire marshal and forest restoration.

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