A man gets 19 years for a downtown St. Louis crash that cost a teen volleyball player her legs

opinions2024-06-03 23:20:2522374

ST. LOUIS (AP) — A St. Louis man has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for causing a downtown accident that resulted in the amputation of the legs of a teenage volleyball player from Tennessee.

Daniel Riley, 22, was convicted last month of second-degree assault, armed criminal action, fourth-degree assault and driving without a valid license. Judge Michael Noble on Thursday followed the jury’s recommendation in sentencing Riley to 19 years, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

“The verdict represents the judgment of the community,” Judge Michael Noble said Thursday. “The jury found that this was not an accident.”

The February 2023 crash set off a chain of events that led to the resignation of Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.

Riley was a robbery suspect who was out on bond when he sped through an intersection and struck an occupied car, then a parked car and pinning 17-year-old Janae Edmondson between two vehicles.

Address of this article:http://paraguay.cezaryphotography.com/content-74c499481.html


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